Tersentap hati mak nak aku seyh bile terbace ayat kat dalam gambar neyh, cube korang tengok, korang sentap ke tak??
Sentap kan??? haha.. Tapi naseb baek aku pakai Nikon, so sentapan tu kurang sket la, hehe.. Ape-ape pun just nak katekan yang kite sebenarnye semua photographer telah terjebak di dalam satu "jenayah trend" dan kite kena menerima hakikat yang kita telah menjadi mangsa trend tersebut~ Maksud aku konteks jenayah kat sini bukannye kite curi roti kat kedai Mak Bedah ke ape, kire satu metafora je, so jangan risau ye kawan-kawan, korang takkan masuk lokap punye sebab ade kamera DSLR tu, hehe..
Teringat time zaman-zaman dulu dari aku sebelum lahir sampai sekarang macam-macam trend yang aku pernah tengok and dengar, contohnye macam zaman mak ayah kite dulu ade zaman pop yeh yeh! and kirenye kalau sesape ade rambut afro time tu kire macho habes la! pastu datangnye zaman rock! Yeyeah!!! Yang bestnye time aku sekolah dulu pun ade trend and zaman-zaman tersendiri tau, jangan main-main.. Seingat aku dulu ade trend main penutup botol, pastu zaman main kereta Tamiya, then ade satu zaman tu semua orang berebut nak beli Proyo, lepas tu datanglah zaman Hip Hopperz and the latest trend is Photography, pasni aku tak tau la trend ape yang datang en, macam-macam, hahaha~
Kalau nak tengok sekarang, setiap tempat and setiap masa aku jalan, mesti punye la ade orang gantung DSLR ni kat leher atau kat bahu, dah macam handbag dah aku tengok. Kalau nak diikutkan statistik member aku cakap, kat Malaysia ni saje hampir 22,000++ rakyat kite bergelar Photographer, dah mengalahkan photographer-photographer kat US, and it is a fact yaw! bukan cubaan tau, hehe.. Just wanna say that, kepada sesiapa yang memiliki DSLR termasuk la kat aku sekali ni, jangan la pasni korang nak buang pulak kamera tu disebabkan korang dah terlibat dengan trend yang berleluasa~ Penat korang beli kamera dengan hasil titik peluh korang sendiri en..
Yang penting bile korang dah ade DSLR tu, lebih-lebih lagi to all those yang nak lebih serius dalam profesyen ni, firstly try to learn "M" stands for manual function, jangan la stock pakai Auto je kan, sebaiknya guna setiap function yang ade dalam DSLR so that korang rase berbaloi gak bile angkat sebijik~ Jangan sesekali korang anggap menjadi mangsa trend tu adalah perkara yang buruk sebaliknya korang gunakan zaman ini untuk develop yourself to become a great photographer, tuntut ilmu from all photographers yang dah ada banyak pengalaman and yang penting sekali jangan korang bodoh sombong dalam mencari pengetahuan, its not about about quantity of the photographer, but it is about the quality of the picture itself that matters~
So here are some tips yang aku ank kongsikan diambil from Geekinspired.com, tapi dalam bahase orang puteh la, harap korang paham, kalo tak paham cari kamus oxford, hehe.. ;D
1. Fill the Frame
I include this tip first because it’s the most helpful rule I received from my first photography instructor and I’ve heard it echoed many times since then. The instruction I received was actually, “get closer,” but I feel it goes hand-in-hand with filling the frame. Most often, if you’re having trouble with your photos, you’re not close enough. Get as close as you think you need to get, then take a step closer. Really observe your subject and see how it’s fitting in the frame. Allow your subject to fill the frame and cut out all surrounding details that are unneeded and distracting.
I include this tip first because it’s the most helpful rule I received from my first photography instructor and I’ve heard it echoed many times since then. The instruction I received was actually, “get closer,” but I feel it goes hand-in-hand with filling the frame. Most often, if you’re having trouble with your photos, you’re not close enough. Get as close as you think you need to get, then take a step closer. Really observe your subject and see how it’s fitting in the frame. Allow your subject to fill the frame and cut out all surrounding details that are unneeded and distracting.
2. Rule of Thirds
This is another big one and a common rule of composition. Imagine dividing your frame into 3 equal sections, both horizontally and vertically. The points where those divisions intersect are the hot spots for your photo. Position your subject or key element at one of these points to emphasize them.
This is another big one and a common rule of composition. Imagine dividing your frame into 3 equal sections, both horizontally and vertically. The points where those divisions intersect are the hot spots for your photo. Position your subject or key element at one of these points to emphasize them.
3. Light is Key
Photography is taken from the Greek words phos and graphos, literally translated as “writing with light.” Without light, photography wouldn’t be possible. When you take a photo, you’re capturing how light interacts with the subject. You can either capture how the light is occurring naturally, or you can try to influence the light and/or the subject to achieve the desired effect.
Photography is taken from the Greek words phos and graphos, literally translated as “writing with light.” Without light, photography wouldn’t be possible. When you take a photo, you’re capturing how light interacts with the subject. You can either capture how the light is occurring naturally, or you can try to influence the light and/or the subject to achieve the desired effect.
4. Keep It Simple
This is commonly referred to as the KISS principle: Keep It Simple, Stupid. Less is more and more is less. Simplicity should be your goal; try to avoid unnecessary complexity.
This is commonly referred to as the KISS principle: Keep It Simple, Stupid. Less is more and more is less. Simplicity should be your goal; try to avoid unnecessary complexity.
5. Don’t Take a Photograph, Make It
This tip was handed down to us by the great Ansel Adams. Being a photographer is more than just pressing a button. Your photos are your art, your creation. Each one of us has our own unique view of the world, so let that show in your photos. Don’t just take a picture that a monkey could take; put some thought into it, put yourself into it, and make a picture happen.
This tip was handed down to us by the great Ansel Adams. Being a photographer is more than just pressing a button. Your photos are your art, your creation. Each one of us has our own unique view of the world, so let that show in your photos. Don’t just take a picture that a monkey could take; put some thought into it, put yourself into it, and make a picture happen.
6. Think Before You Shoot
This applies to everything all at once, from your exposure settings to your perspective of your subject. Think about why you’re taking this picture. Why is this meaningful to you? Are you framing it creatively and/or from the most interesting angle? Would you hang it in your living room?
This applies to everything all at once, from your exposure settings to your perspective of your subject. Think about why you’re taking this picture. Why is this meaningful to you? Are you framing it creatively and/or from the most interesting angle? Would you hang it in your living room?
7. Beware of Over-Chimping
Chimping refers to the act of hunching over your digital camera’s LCD screen to check out the wonderful pictures you’ve just taken. While there’s nothing wrong with chimping, be aware that while you’re gazing at your camera’s LCD you might be missing a great photo opportunity.
Chimping refers to the act of hunching over your digital camera’s LCD screen to check out the wonderful pictures you’ve just taken. While there’s nothing wrong with chimping, be aware that while you’re gazing at your camera’s LCD you might be missing a great photo opportunity.
I was recently at a party where a friend of mine was taking pictures of another friend’s 10-month old daughter. He would fire off a few frames of the child looking curiously at the camera, and then he’d stop and examine the shots he just took. Meanwhile, as he was gazing at the back of his camera, the little girl was smiling the most beautiful and natural smile I’d seen her do all day. I pointed this out to my friend, but by the time he took another shot, the natural smile was gone.
While it’s a good idea to often chimp your photos to check for exposure and framing, don’t forget about the subject that’s right in front of you.
8. Know the Rules, Then Break Them
As with most things, the rules are made to be broken. Don’t be afraid to experiment with new ideas and step outside the things you’ve learned.
As with most things, the rules are made to be broken. Don’t be afraid to experiment with new ideas and step outside the things you’ve learned.
9. Take Your Camera With You
Photography is one of the few activities that you can do at any time of the day and get excellent and interesting results. For this reason, I recommend taking your camera with you wherever you go. You’ll find that having a camera handy helps you be on the look-out for interesting subjects. It’s a great and easy way to keep photography on your mind.
Photography is one of the few activities that you can do at any time of the day and get excellent and interesting results. For this reason, I recommend taking your camera with you wherever you go. You’ll find that having a camera handy helps you be on the look-out for interesting subjects. It’s a great and easy way to keep photography on your mind.
10. Take Time to Study
Last but not least, take the time to learn about photography. Get your hands on a photography book; sign up for a photography class or club in your area; study different techniques; give yourself personal assignments. Anyone can take a picture, but you simply can’t learn the art of photography if you’re not prepared to put in the time and effort.
Lastly, sebelum aku mengakhiri kata-kata, jom tonton video yang disampaikan oleh abam KukuBesi kite sendiri tentang masalah mangsa trend tu sendiri, enjoy guys! ;)Last but not least, take the time to learn about photography. Get your hands on a photography book; sign up for a photography class or club in your area; study different techniques; give yourself personal assignments. Anyone can take a picture, but you simply can’t learn the art of photography if you’re not prepared to put in the time and effort.
p/s: Everybody can be a take picture, but not everybody can be a photographer~ ^__^
aku tak berapa faham, nape ada orang still cakap "kau ada DSLR, kau bukan photographer" act, maksud photographer dalam bahasa melayu adalah juru gambar, dan lebih clear lagi, orang yang mengambil gambar, even kau pakai hp, amek gambar, kau still bergelar juru gambar. tu konsep nye kot. macam kau main bola, kau ada bola murah ke mahal, kau still pemain bola. tak kan yang beli bola mahal je di kira pemain bola? same macam yang lain-lain, tukang masak ke, cikgu ke ape ke. asal kita lakukan perbuatan tersebut, so kita digelar orang yang melakukan perbuatan tersebut. yang membeza kan each other hanyalah ilmu yang kita ada, pemain bola professional maksudnya banyak ilmu, jurugambar professional, mean jurugambar ada byk ilmu.. like dat la~
qusyaire: yes there is a point, but deep inside, there is much more meaning in the word 'photographer' itself... bukan sekadar jurugambar sahaja.. yang tu ko kene cari and dalami perkara2 itu sendiri, banyakkan bertanya and berguru dengan orang-orang yang berpengalaman, you will find better answer in the words.. even aku pun still dalam proses mencari and menuntut ilmu lagi~ so sama-sama la kite blaja kayh.. ;)
masalahnye sekarang,masih ade yang still anti dengan bebudak yang memiliki dslr dan berjinak jinak memasuki bidang yang menarik ni..
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